Therapies at BEA
At Boston Endeavour Academy a range of therapeutic interventions which our pupils require and enjoy are woven into the curriculum offer.
Therapies on offer

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
We have very close relationships with NHS Physiotherapists who provide plans and reviews for our children who require such support in our dedicated physiotherapy room. Kayleigh Tooby is our specialist TA for Moving and Handling and liaises with Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Wheelchair Services.

Boston Endeavour Academy has a hydrotherapy pool which provides an environment for children with additional mobility needs to develop strength and flexibility.

Sensory Therapies
Many children follow sensory diets or support programmes to help them to access the curriculum most effectively and completely. BEA has a sensory integration room where a range of swings and other sensory equipment are situated. Many children follow sensory circuits in the hall or outdoor areas. Personal sensory diets include the use of specialist equipment and interventions such as weighted vests or blankets, ear defenders, squeezes and massage.

Speech Therapy
The use of signing and alternative communication systems are tailored to pupil’s individual needs across the school. Amanda Brooks, Senior Teacher, leads on communication and coordinates liaison with NHS speech therapists.

Enrichment Activities
Music, Art, Horse-riding, Tennis, Bowling, Gymnastics and Swimming, to name a few, are regular activities which have a beneficial therapeutic impact for our pupils and are undertaken in the community on a rota basis.