If you have any safeguarding issues, please contact
Our Safeguarding Team

Amanda Brooks
Designated Safeguarding Lead
01205 345045 or
07880 319489

Aaron Bloodworth-Flatt
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
01205 345045 or
07741 635038

Jenna Bellwood
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
01205 345045 or
07436 235388

Victoria Lee
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
01205 345045
In the event of any of the above being unavailable, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Trustee
Paul Tallentire on 03300 585 520.
or email safe@mycit.co.uk
Who is responsible for the Safeguarding of Children?
It is everybody’s responsibility to be vigilant and listen to students when they are worried about safeguarding issues.
Within our school, every member of staff receives safeguarding training and all staff are made aware of the Safeguarding team.
The school will ensure:
– That all staff know how to access to the safeguarding policy.
– That all staff are clear how to follow procedures.
– The whole school will receive at least annual safeguarding training.
– That safer recruitment practices, which provide for appropriate checks, are in place and adhered to.
– The designated person liaises regularly with the Headteacher.
Please find contact details for Lincolnshire Children Services should you need to contact them:
01522 782 111 or outside office hours (including weekends or Bank Holidays) on 01522 782 333
Boston Endeavour Academy is part of the Community Inclusive Trust (CIT) and some of our safeguarding policies are set at the centre. Please click on the link below to view the CIT policies page.
CIT Policies
How safeguarding is included in the curriculum
Boston Endeavour Academy promotes safety within our pupils by providing tutor time every day to allow pupils the opportunity to discuss issues/barriers as well as allowing topic based discussions.
Every pupil receives PSHE lessons where subjects are specifically targeted. We also endeavour to cover a range of topics throughout the curriculum such as:
– Stranger danger
– Road safety
– Medicines & drug awareness
– Sex and relationships education
– Internet safety
– Bullying
– Emergency services and First Aid