Pupils within these years follow a curriculum which is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage principles of promoting characteristics of effective learning, namely:
• Playing and exploring
• Active learning
• Creating and thinking critically
Children in this phase learn to understand the structures of time which shape our lives. They learn to develop confidence in relationships with adults and their peers. They are given opportunities to direct their own learning so that they become effective in engaging with curriculum resources and adults who teach them establish a clear sense of how to support them in maximising progress. They are taught to communication effectively in whichever way is most appropriate to them. They are enabled to progress in their physical coordination. They work with digital technology and learn to engage effectively with this. They become secure in their immediate environment and become increasingly able to negotiate beyond the classroom and the familiar school context into their local community.
The curriculum at this stage is structured on a topic basis on a rolling 3 year framework which provides opportunities for early learning in the areas of:
• Communication and Language
• Physical Development
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development
These three areas are the prime areas. Children are also supported through the four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the World
• Expressive Arts and Design
At Boston Endeavour Academy our Spring Stepping Stones curriculum is split into three different stages: Steps, Skips, Strides. Children will be baselined and assessed against the curriculum so that they can access the most appropriate learning for them and progress sequentially.